I’m Back…

Hi all, sorry I’ve been away for so long, in fact its been February since I last wrote which, quite frankly, is disgraceful behaviour for a writer. Unfortunately, or fortunately (it’s a matter of perspective I guess) I was finishing up a project which consumed many hours from March on but that’s over now, so time to move on.
The meagre apology out of the way (and I wouldn’t be angry with you if you just moved onto something else right now), an update on the sequel to ‘Into The Lions’ Den’ called for now ‘An Act of God’ – I rather like the title so perhaps it’ll stick. The plot is finished and the writing is going well-ish. That said, I, like many writers, am continually challenged by self doubt and so the plot has changed some which has meant ripping apart some very neatly written chapters and discarding them on the editing room floor. It was, and continues to be, a painful, but necessary experience.
AAOG (that’d be the acronym for An Act of God, while ITLD is the other one) is set in 1953 and follows our hero Daniel as he tracks down a serial killer in the USA. All isn’t what it seems, but is it ever, and he faces several obstacles along the way in the form of the crazy gang of FBI, CIA, KGB and The Vatican.
I’ve set myself a deadline of Valentine’s Day 2016 to finish draft 1, let it stew for a few weeks and then tear into draft 2 with a view to having it ready for the printing press by the Summer.
Lastly, a promise: I won’t leave it so long next time….